Sunday 27 December 2009


Truely shocking stuff from the 3-year-old...

What's with her expression though? Better plaster that smile on your face Suri , otherwise they'll sling you in Rehab!

Thursday 24 December 2009

Monday 21 December 2009


seems to be losing its touch!

Because although the ratings have been good this year, nothing else has!

The new format was wrong, the result was wrong (Olly= true winner), and the winner's single was DEFINITELY wrong; I thought Miley Cyrus's version of 'The Climb' was bad enough... 'til I heard Joe's take. I nearly threw up.

And the rest of the nation seems to have taken a similar view according to the charts- with RATM beating sickly Joe to no.1!

Yes, everything about this year's X-Factor has been wrong... I mean Joe compared to Alexandre? There reallu is NO comparison.

And just take this picture above of last year's Alexandre in the same dress as this years Rachel Adedajei... as I said... no comparison.

You better step it up Simon!


What a suprise... just a couple of days after pics of Rihanna posing in the nude... Gaga decides to get her baps out, truely shocking... NOT. Check out the bizarre photo's below...

Disturbing... Naked Crowd

Baring all... with Kanye


Friday 18 December 2009


As I have tirelessly said in my previous posts, in the past year, our female popstars have been competiting for the spotlight by wearing the least they possibly can, and I pointed out that to win, one of them had to go naked sooner or later...

And they have.

Step up Rihanna, who's got her lady-pillows out for GQ magazine for their latest issue.

Well done love, you have your boobs out and defintely have everyones attention... even if they are all male.

However, we all know RiRi isn't doing this for their benefit. No, I bet she doesn't even revel in the fact that middle-aged men around the world are gawping at her bossoms. Quite the opposite in fact.

Yes, we all know she's doing it to 'impress' other women. Getting their attention to show that she's the edgiest starlet around and wanting the other popstresses to watch their backs.

But, what she doesn't realise, is that by doing this, she is just alienating herself from other women, because it feels like she's rubbing it in our faces just what a perfect body she has and she's posing in the mag like a slut, and women don't dig slutty.

Yes, there's even one pic (below) from the photoshoot where she is grabbing her crotch and looks like she's just about to play with herself.

I don't think any woman (who's not gay obv.) wants to see that.

Yeh, fair enough it's for a mens mag, and you've got to be provocative and all so they can get their monthy £2.50 worth of hard-ons, but this is a little too far for someone who used to be a role-model for young girls.

All I have to say is put it away Rihanna and get back to singing... before all your girl fans abandon you for good.

Check out the (rather vulgar) pics below

Distatesful... Crotch-Grab

Can't she put her hands somewhere else?

Monday 14 December 2009


Pictures have just been released of newest Victoria Secret model, Rosie Huntington-Whitely frolicking on a Carribbean beach. And she looks AMAZING!

The Devon-born (yes, really) beauty was 'working' in St. Barts on a V.S. catalogue swimwear suit, and showing everyone just why they picked her.

If this isn't inspiration to trim down for next summer, I don't know what is.

I mean, imagine waking up with that body... I don't think I would ever pry myself away from the mirror!

The only drawback is the enchanting Xmas turkey... and the yorkshires, the pigs-in-blankets, the roasties, the chocs etc. etc.

Can I really force 'No thanks' out of my mouth when the bowl of crispy roast potatoes is passed my way.

Hmm tbh she doesn't even look THAT good anyway... (^^) Now past me the bowl! :D


I think I've already made it clear how I feel about popstars wearing absolutely nothing of late. It's pathetic.

However, it's quite frank(ie)ly getting stupid now!

At the party for record label Fascination last night at London Mayfair's club Aura, Frankie Sandford from the Saturdays turned up looking like a prostitute.

It was absolutely freezing, but she decided to wear tiny leather hotpants, with a see-through blouse and suspenders.

Can't you save it for the bedroom love?

It's not like the outfit even looked nice- it looked slutty and tacky and like she should be standing on the edge of the street.

Other guests at the party where her other Saturday co-singers, who still wore skimpy outfits but looked a lot better than Frankie.

Pixie Lott was also there in a LBD. See the pics below!

Mini Dresses... Rochelle and Una

Pretty... Mollie

LBD... Pixie Lott

Tacky... Cheeky Frankie


Monday 7 December 2009


It was a time for celebration last night at the 02 Arena for Capital FM's Jingle Bell Ball, so what do the stars do? Get their kit off of course!

Yes again, we were 'treated' to another sight of barely-there-outfits from popworlds biggest starlets, including Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, Alesha Dixon, Sugababes and Shakira.
What is with these girls... have they never heard less is more?

Yes, Alesha just about covered her bum in a blue corsette dress, Shakira donned a black, sequined dress and those ugly black knee-high boots again (obsessed much?), Gaga wore red patent underwear, while the Sugababes stuck their bums out in black like they were waiting for something.

But the worst of all HAS to be Miley Cyrus (suprise). This girl is unbelievable... and I don't mean that in a good way.

She is seventeen... SEVENTEEN! Why do her managers and stylists insist on putting her on stage half-naked?

Talk about trashy!

She was dressed in a slit jumper, with her bra hanging out, mini hotpants and black leather boots. She couldn't look more like a hooker if she tried!

And what a role model for her fans...

I'm just so fed up with all these female stars competing to see who can wear the least clothing... it's not clever and it's not cool.

I wish one of them would just go out completely naked already so that it all has to end.

My bet's on Gaga.

Bum deal... Alesha

Boot-obsessed... Shakira

Teen train-wreck... Miley

Ass-king for it... Sugababes

Lady in Red... Gaga


Friday 4 December 2009

Friday 27 November 2009


The world has really gone Gaga crazy!

Her shocking outfits are always top news and she inspired many fans and fellow celebs to copy her look- Rihanna, Christina Aguilara, and now even Cheryl Cole's got in on the action- sporting a blonde wig for her new video '3 words'.

The usually demure pop starlet has decided to branch out a bit from her norm by donning the peroxide locks- trying to give herself a more edgier look.

I'm afraid it doesn't really work for the X-Factor judge. She still looks like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth despite the harsher image.

Maybe she should stick to what she knows... being the glamorous fashionista she's famous for.

All it shows to me is that she's trying to be someone she's not... and that's not cool.


Thursday 26 November 2009


Scientists have revealed that you can burn up to 90 calories an hour just by completeing a Soduko.

Researcher Tim Forrester, from, explained: 'Our brains require 0.1 calories every minute simply to survive.

'When we do something challenging such as a puzzle or a quiz we can burn through 1.5 calories every minute.'

'Doing difficult crosswords or challenging Sudokus means your brain will crave more glucose and more calories too, added Mr Forrester.

This is great news for all the academics out there who's much rather complete a puzzle than a marathon.

All I know is that I've cancelled my gym membership and bought all the Soduko books I could find!

Now that's my kind of slimming!

Wednesday 25 November 2009


Looking at the picture above, you would think that the first thing you would notice is Miley Cyrus's extremely extravagant birthday cake... but it's not.

The young teen is dressed so provocatively, that you can't take your eyes off her, even for the multi-coloured desert!

Your average teen buys a nice, glamourous dress for the birthday... but not Miley!

Instead, she chose to kit hersef out in teeny-weeny denim hotpants, a mini black top, and knee-high black boots for what was her SEVENTH birthday.


Does she really think she's sending out the right message to her young fans by getting her bum cheeks out on her big day? She's basically telling them you have to be near-naked to be attractive.

Maybe she should finally grow up and get a little class.


Monday 23 November 2009


Isn't baby Naleigh just ADORABLE!

The South Korean tot, who was adopted my movie star Katherine Heigl, will celebrate her first birthday tommorow...

... and I think she'll be the cuttest one-year-old around!

Saturday 21 November 2009


If you looked at the image above without knowing who Michelle Keegan was, you'd think she was some Hollywood beauty... not a cast member of Coronation Street!

This young girl is absolutely STUNNING, and a great actress too, she should be gracing the LA red carpet, not the cobbles of Manchester.

I think it's time she set her sights a little higher and heads for the bright lights of LA as the girl's got everything you need to succeed there.

She's wasted in the corner shop with Norris!


Friday 20 November 2009


This crazy lady has taken her Twilight obsession a little bit too far in my eyes by having a quote from Edward to Bella on her back... she's definitely gonna regret that in a few years! Eek!


Thursday 19 November 2009


I'm sure you'd all agree that Demi Moore looks amazing on the front cover of new issue of 'W' magazine.

However, you can't get away from the fact that Miss Moore looks terribly skinny. If it was her natural shape (blah blah blah) then that would be fine... however it's not.

Nope, those editors have got their little airbrushes out again to work their 'magic' on Demi- editing away a whole section of her hip!

I mean, we all know that those pictures on the front of magazines have been altered- it's a well-known fact, however, deforming a body in such a way is ridiculous.

Demi is thin enough as it is... without them taking any more away and at such vast measures! What they've done is made the image totally unattainable for young girls, I mean, you can't change your bone shape!

It's honestly ridiculous and downright dangerous if young girls start seeing it as the norm.

I think they certainly need to put some measures on their brushes before this thing gets ugly.

Cut away... Demi's hip


Tuesday 17 November 2009


After good role models like Scarlett Johansson set a good example and show young girls that's it's good to be womanly and have curves in advertisements such as the new D&G ad, along comes Kate Moss and ruins it all by making a stupid and damaging comment.

Yes the London twit has gone and mouthed off again...

When asked what her favourite quote was by beauty website WWD, she replied: "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels, that's one of them."

What an idiot! Does she really think that's the right message to send out to young girls?

What with the drugs scandals, the wild partying and now this, I think Kate Moss needs to look at herself and realise just what kind of role model is she setting for young fans and even her own daughter.

She represents everything wrong with the fashion industry that we are trying to move away from.

Maybe it's time Miss Moss (cat)walked off once and for all.


Friday 6 November 2009


I've already made it quite clear what I think about the way Katie Holmes treats her little daughter Suri as a fashion accessory, and it seems I have further evidence.

Once AGAIN we see Suri here in heels in the first picture (left), but my points proved right as (right) she has swapped them for more comfortable pumps. Were the heels a photo op planned by Katie? I think so...

Also, in the second picture, we see Katie in a MASSIVE puffa jacket, complete with cosy boots, whereas poor little Suri has no jacket at all.

How come Mum can look dressed down but child can't? Well you can't ruin her image just so she's nice and warm can you Katie?

SOURCE: Daily Mail Online

Wednesday 4 November 2009


When I was younger, I used to love dressing up... especially as a princess.

I remember one particular day, when I was about four, my Mum took me shopping. We were in Woolworths (R.I.P.) when I spotted a little princess set. I was transfixed- it had everything- from a pearly necklace, to a little crown and even the fake, plastic heels.

Note the words FAKE and PLASTIC. I used to put them on indoors and hobble about until I got fed up of falling flat on my face, as you would naturally being a four-year-old.

But here comes along Suri Cruise, at the tender age of just three years old walking down the street in real, no-doubt Jimmy Choo, heels.

What's going on?

As I said, a heel only every touched my own heel when I was playing dress up... PRETENDING to be older. But it seems Katie Holmes is trying to make her daughter into a real adult/fashion accessory.

There's no way a three-year-old should be walking down the street in a pair of heels. Children of that age are meant to be running around like mad in the dirt with their friends and climbing up trees- not hobbling down a high-street... we do enough of that when we're teenagers!

And it wasn't even like she was going to a pary- she was just walking down the street! I'm 19 and not one of my friends or I wear heels in the day- it's rediculous!

Looking back at my childhood pictures now, I notice that my parents dressed me up as if a rainbow attacked me- you needed a pair of dark glasses to look at me in one of my 'snazzy' outfits.

But isn't that the beauty of it all? Being young and oblivious and quite frankly not giving a damn about what you look like or what people think of you. Hell, it's the only time in your life when you can.

It just seems to me that little Suri is being robbed of this childhood pleasure; being trussed up eveyday in a totally matching outfits, getting stylish haircuts, all so the photographers can get a good photo and so it boosts the image of The Cruises. I just don't think it's fair on her.

She's a little girl- NOT a fashion accessory that can be carefully sculpted and paraded around. It's just takes all the fun out of a little girl's life.

I hope Katie realsies what she's doing and lets her daughter relax a little bit, even if it's just for the sake of the poor girl's feet!

Monday 2 November 2009


What a peformance from Danyl on Saturday huh?

No I'm not talking about his singing... I'm talking about his 'loss of confidence' act... yeh whatever, pull the other one mate!

He may have fooled the public- getting voted back into next week, but he CERTAINLY hasn't fooled me.

What a drama queen he is! Pretending to be all nervous and on the 'verge of tears', does he think we're all stupid? The only reason he was doing it is to drum up some sympathy for the votes.

I could stand him more when he was his old self. Yes, he may have been arrogant, but he's got the goods to back it up... but this just takes the mick.

Saturday's show saw him sing massively out of tune at the start whilst gaining it back a bit at the end, but then acting like a little boy after he'd finished the song- trying to convince the audience that all the criticism had 'got to him'.

And yes, I do think it's a little extreme to compare the guy to Hitler, obviously that's just ludicrous, but I think someone as arrgoant as Danyl wouldn't even care about what people said, as guys like him have an inner confidence that no one can affect.

I think he's been taking professional lessons from Mr Cowell on how to win the public round, but I'm afraid to say that Danyl's just completely transparent in his plans.

This weeks 'bad singing' was just convincing the public he's 'not perfect' and his loss of confidence show him as 'human' and 'relatable'... It's the perfect plan, if Danyl could actually act convincingly.

But I'm afraid I'm not convinced Danyl, and hopefully the public will soon see your cunning plan too.

Danyl just wants to portray himself as a 'fighter' instead of 'Mr Perfect' because the public likes an underdog.

Mark my words, he will be back to full confidence and singing ability next week.

It just seems quite sad to me that Danyl has to pretend to be something he's not and plot and plan to try and get the public to like him.

Face up to it Danyl, if you haven't got the right personality, get outta the race.

Yes, it IS singing contest, but it's also a TV programme and is about the all-round package.

So leave the acting alone Danyl and get back to the signing, before you blow your cover completely.


Horrors... Jedward

Okay, so at first I thought Jedward were funny.

When everyone was bitching and moaning about Louis putting them in the final 12, I was saying "ahh it's just a bit of fun, they'll be voted out straight away anyway!"

And for the first few weeks I was sorta right. I mean they weren't voted out, but at least they were fun!

We had them in red leather doing Britney, warbling through girls legs and even blow up tubes with their faces on. I hate to admit it, but I did enjoy their performances. So I could JUST about forgive them being voted back in...

But now, Week 4, Halloween... and wasn't it scary! They terrible twosome were just plain AWFUL! They messed up the routines, they weren't in time with the music and they sounded awful (nothing new). It didn't feel fun anymore, and I just wanted them to leave the stage.

Now I know Rachael wasn't really handled properly with Danni keep messing around with her look and her turning into Stacey with the 'OHMYOHMYGODS", but the girl had a great voice and really deserved to stay.

Even little Lloyd has a great tone to his voice, despite all the criticism he gets for it, and you can tell that he's taking the competition seriously. I could definitely see him as a heart-throb recording artist for young girls all over the country.

It's got to the point where I'm just completely and utterly fed up with Jedward.

They are a joke, and I can tell you now, the joke is wearing thin!


Most 64-year-olds have retired, wrapped up in a cardy and are sitting down with their feet up in front of Countdown....

But not Rod Stewart.

Oh no, the OAP rocker has decided to try for his EIGHTH baby with his partner Penny Lancaster for some strange reason.

They already have a 4-year-old son, Alistair, which you would think would keep Rod on his toes. Obviously not.

The ageing star seems to prefer sleepness nights and dirty nappies to a nice cup of tea and the soaps.

Rod has said this is going to be his last one before he "closes the office." I'm suprised 'the office' hasn't shut down of it's own accord to be quite honest!

He joked: "I'll be 95 when the child graduates."

I wouldn't joke mate! Do you really now just HOW embarassing it will be to that kid to have his Dad there, no doubt with a zimmerframe. I'm sure that'll look SO cool to any potential crush.

All jokes aside, you have to wonder if it is actually fair on the kid. I mean, surely as a child you want your Dad to be up and active playing around with you- not sat in a chair eating biscuits?

Anyway, Rod better get a move on, otherwise he may just find his office has been taken into adminitration...

Sunday 1 November 2009


One word... Yes. Sorry Rachael love, you'll be sadly missed! (Refer to earlier Rachael article)


A plastic surgeon decided to 'play God' by operating on his wife EIGHT times to mould her into is perfect woman.

Reza Vossough, 48, hated 33-year-old Cany's body when he married her, but said he spotted 'potential' in her.

The operation he performed included incisions to her chest, thighs, eyes and face... basically everything!

He pumped 1,600g of silicone into her overall and boosted her chest from and A cup to a whopping F cup, he lifted her eyelids and de-creased her forhead. I'm suprised the girl can still function after all that!

The total number of ops cost the surgeon £18,000, but he obviously think's it's worth it saying: "When I first met Cany, she had physical deficiencies, but I could see there was something there... so we made corrections and then did a little bit more."

A LITTLE bit more? This man's deluded if you ask me. I mean what kind of man marries someone just to change them into someone completely different? It is taking controlling behaviour to the EXTREME...

On another note, what kind of woman lets a man do this to her? Cany must have had that little respect for herself to let a man to change everything about her.

People should marry someone they like ALREADY, not for their 'potential'. Frankly, I think it's absolutely disgusting.

It raises the debate whether we've taken our obsession with cosmetic surgery too far. I mean is it really our right to 'play God' and change every little bit of ourselves that we don't like? And where does it end? Past experiences shows that as soon as someone gets one thing 'nipped and tucked' they find something else they think could do with lifting or smoothing out.

It's perfectionism gone crazy and I can only see it getting crazier as the years go on sadly...

After all the work, Rezza says he is finally in love with his wife. Why does it need her to have long hair, big boobs and and a face as flat as a pancake for him to love her? Does her not even care what she's like as a person at all? Obviously not.

I don't know why he wasted £18,000 though, surely a blow up doll would have done the trick?

Saturday 31 October 2009


When she first started out in the X-factor competition, Rachel had her own, edgy style being compared to the likes of the edgy starlet Rihanna.

However, after two weeks of ending up in the bottom two, Rachael and her mentor Danni Mingoue decided to embark on a tranformation to 'soften' the singer up. This meant ditching her dramatic dress sense and converting to the safe bob seen all over the highstreet in week 3, and sure enough, their plan seemed to work as people raved about her makeover and voted her back in.

But just now, we have seen Rachael perform in week 4 with yet ANOTHER makeover- this time emulating her mentor Danni by going for a choppy fringe- looking like a completely different girl to the one we saw when the show started.
Now, I'm all for a bit of a makeover, but completely overhauling yourself so that you are not regnisable as the same person is a bit dramatic don't you think?

In my opinion, Rachel looked lovely just the way she was a few weeks ago when she had her own recognisable style instead of looking like a cardboard cut-out of every other female.
With role models such as Rihanna herself and Lady Gaga pushing the boundaries for the style and hairstyles, surely Rachel should have embaraced her own personal style instead of giving in to the norm image Mr Cowell demanded of her.

Anyway, I thought that the X-factor was meant to be a SINGING contest (bar Jedward of course), not a style contest, so why has Rachel felt the need to change so much and will this latest makeover alienate her fans who loved the orignal Rachel?
Only the voting results can tell us...