Friday 18 December 2009


As I have tirelessly said in my previous posts, in the past year, our female popstars have been competiting for the spotlight by wearing the least they possibly can, and I pointed out that to win, one of them had to go naked sooner or later...

And they have.

Step up Rihanna, who's got her lady-pillows out for GQ magazine for their latest issue.

Well done love, you have your boobs out and defintely have everyones attention... even if they are all male.

However, we all know RiRi isn't doing this for their benefit. No, I bet she doesn't even revel in the fact that middle-aged men around the world are gawping at her bossoms. Quite the opposite in fact.

Yes, we all know she's doing it to 'impress' other women. Getting their attention to show that she's the edgiest starlet around and wanting the other popstresses to watch their backs.

But, what she doesn't realise, is that by doing this, she is just alienating herself from other women, because it feels like she's rubbing it in our faces just what a perfect body she has and she's posing in the mag like a slut, and women don't dig slutty.

Yes, there's even one pic (below) from the photoshoot where she is grabbing her crotch and looks like she's just about to play with herself.

I don't think any woman (who's not gay obv.) wants to see that.

Yeh, fair enough it's for a mens mag, and you've got to be provocative and all so they can get their monthy £2.50 worth of hard-ons, but this is a little too far for someone who used to be a role-model for young girls.

All I have to say is put it away Rihanna and get back to singing... before all your girl fans abandon you for good.

Check out the (rather vulgar) pics below

Distatesful... Crotch-Grab

Can't she put her hands somewhere else?

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