Monday 2 November 2009


What a peformance from Danyl on Saturday huh?

No I'm not talking about his singing... I'm talking about his 'loss of confidence' act... yeh whatever, pull the other one mate!

He may have fooled the public- getting voted back into next week, but he CERTAINLY hasn't fooled me.

What a drama queen he is! Pretending to be all nervous and on the 'verge of tears', does he think we're all stupid? The only reason he was doing it is to drum up some sympathy for the votes.

I could stand him more when he was his old self. Yes, he may have been arrogant, but he's got the goods to back it up... but this just takes the mick.

Saturday's show saw him sing massively out of tune at the start whilst gaining it back a bit at the end, but then acting like a little boy after he'd finished the song- trying to convince the audience that all the criticism had 'got to him'.

And yes, I do think it's a little extreme to compare the guy to Hitler, obviously that's just ludicrous, but I think someone as arrgoant as Danyl wouldn't even care about what people said, as guys like him have an inner confidence that no one can affect.

I think he's been taking professional lessons from Mr Cowell on how to win the public round, but I'm afraid to say that Danyl's just completely transparent in his plans.

This weeks 'bad singing' was just convincing the public he's 'not perfect' and his loss of confidence show him as 'human' and 'relatable'... It's the perfect plan, if Danyl could actually act convincingly.

But I'm afraid I'm not convinced Danyl, and hopefully the public will soon see your cunning plan too.

Danyl just wants to portray himself as a 'fighter' instead of 'Mr Perfect' because the public likes an underdog.

Mark my words, he will be back to full confidence and singing ability next week.

It just seems quite sad to me that Danyl has to pretend to be something he's not and plot and plan to try and get the public to like him.

Face up to it Danyl, if you haven't got the right personality, get outta the race.

Yes, it IS singing contest, but it's also a TV programme and is about the all-round package.

So leave the acting alone Danyl and get back to the signing, before you blow your cover completely.

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