Wednesday 4 November 2009


When I was younger, I used to love dressing up... especially as a princess.

I remember one particular day, when I was about four, my Mum took me shopping. We were in Woolworths (R.I.P.) when I spotted a little princess set. I was transfixed- it had everything- from a pearly necklace, to a little crown and even the fake, plastic heels.

Note the words FAKE and PLASTIC. I used to put them on indoors and hobble about until I got fed up of falling flat on my face, as you would naturally being a four-year-old.

But here comes along Suri Cruise, at the tender age of just three years old walking down the street in real, no-doubt Jimmy Choo, heels.

What's going on?

As I said, a heel only every touched my own heel when I was playing dress up... PRETENDING to be older. But it seems Katie Holmes is trying to make her daughter into a real adult/fashion accessory.

There's no way a three-year-old should be walking down the street in a pair of heels. Children of that age are meant to be running around like mad in the dirt with their friends and climbing up trees- not hobbling down a high-street... we do enough of that when we're teenagers!

And it wasn't even like she was going to a pary- she was just walking down the street! I'm 19 and not one of my friends or I wear heels in the day- it's rediculous!

Looking back at my childhood pictures now, I notice that my parents dressed me up as if a rainbow attacked me- you needed a pair of dark glasses to look at me in one of my 'snazzy' outfits.

But isn't that the beauty of it all? Being young and oblivious and quite frankly not giving a damn about what you look like or what people think of you. Hell, it's the only time in your life when you can.

It just seems to me that little Suri is being robbed of this childhood pleasure; being trussed up eveyday in a totally matching outfits, getting stylish haircuts, all so the photographers can get a good photo and so it boosts the image of The Cruises. I just don't think it's fair on her.

She's a little girl- NOT a fashion accessory that can be carefully sculpted and paraded around. It's just takes all the fun out of a little girl's life.

I hope Katie realsies what she's doing and lets her daughter relax a little bit, even if it's just for the sake of the poor girl's feet!

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