Monday 2 November 2009


Horrors... Jedward

Okay, so at first I thought Jedward were funny.

When everyone was bitching and moaning about Louis putting them in the final 12, I was saying "ahh it's just a bit of fun, they'll be voted out straight away anyway!"

And for the first few weeks I was sorta right. I mean they weren't voted out, but at least they were fun!

We had them in red leather doing Britney, warbling through girls legs and even blow up tubes with their faces on. I hate to admit it, but I did enjoy their performances. So I could JUST about forgive them being voted back in...

But now, Week 4, Halloween... and wasn't it scary! They terrible twosome were just plain AWFUL! They messed up the routines, they weren't in time with the music and they sounded awful (nothing new). It didn't feel fun anymore, and I just wanted them to leave the stage.

Now I know Rachael wasn't really handled properly with Danni keep messing around with her look and her turning into Stacey with the 'OHMYOHMYGODS", but the girl had a great voice and really deserved to stay.

Even little Lloyd has a great tone to his voice, despite all the criticism he gets for it, and you can tell that he's taking the competition seriously. I could definitely see him as a heart-throb recording artist for young girls all over the country.

It's got to the point where I'm just completely and utterly fed up with Jedward.

They are a joke, and I can tell you now, the joke is wearing thin!

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