Tuesday 10 August 2010


Tenn 'wildchild' Taylor Momsen has claimed that she doesn't know who Justin Bieber is.

The deluded blonde said:

"I listen to Led Zeppelin and The Beatles, so I have no idea who he is. That's not a diss, I just don't know [who he is]."

Yeh whatever!

Of course she knows who he is- everyone pretty much knows who he is! I mean, you must have been living in a bubble to not know about Bieber- he's been in the news like everyday since he arrived on the scene!

And you'd definitely have to be blind to not notice him when your in the music industry yourself like Momsen is.

It's just another example of her trying to be edgy and cool and it's sooo pathetic! I mean, she's claimed that she takes knives on planes and that she's slept with a priest- whatever next??

I guess its just her showing her age- I mean she's only 17 and it definitely shows. Her actions are just so attention-seeking and riduculous that it's actually hard to watch.

Surely her parents or someone close to her should tell her that she's being an immature little brat?

I mean, what normal 17-year-old goes around wearing stripper heels and stockings everyday??

That girl needs to sort her issues out and actually do something worthwhile to get the attention she craves, rather than just acting like a little hussy.

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