Tuesday 24 August 2010


OMG, what is with all the poor celebrity imitations these days...?!

I'm so fed up of seeing a reality 'star' doing a photoshoot where they are imiating someone (actually) famous- get over it already!

First up, we have former BB hothead John James posing in his kecks as his idol Becks...

Poor Imitation... John James

First of all, he doesn't even come close to the legend that it David Beckham. I mean, Becks is a world-class footballer who has trained his whole life to achieve his success. He is a loving father and a great mentor to the England team, as well as being absolutely gorgeous. Basically he is a god!

Then we have John James; a man so two-faced, they named him twice! He thinks he's 'famous' now because he was an utter pr*ck to his female housemates and told everyone he 'didn't give a rip'.

If I remember rightly, he also said in that house that they 'weren't gonna be superstars' when they came out of the house and that he would never do any magazines.

Fast-forward to now- five days after he left the house and he's already got his mug in a mag . Not only that, he announced on Twitter that he is 'going on tour'.

Going on tour?!

I thought you actually had to have a talent to go on tour- not just give a fake smile and a 'G'day' to your 'fans'.

What a joke. And what a hypocrite he is.

Also, that six-pack' looks like it's been drawn on by a five-year-old. Sort it out mate.

Next up, we have Rachel Onion-Baji or whatever her name is. She's in this weeks 'More' Mag posing as Beyonce.

On your bike!... Rachel Adedajei

I mean come on, why would she do that to herself? As if she'd ever come close to looking like Beyonce. No one could!

I just think it's sad that we have so many people in the public eye these days that actually do nothing. Like nothing. They go on TV shows and radio stations to talk about all the nothing they do. It's ridiculous.

Get your own identity. Get a real job. And then F-Off please.

Monday 16 August 2010


It has been reported that Angelina Jolie is set to play Marilyn Monroe in a film based on the Hollywood icon.

The producers of ' The Life And Opinions Of Maf The Dog, And Of His Friend Marilyn Monroe' seem to be pulling out all the stops cast-wise as George Clooney has been lined up as her co-star; playing legend Frank Sinatra.

However, do you think Jolie's right for the part?

Although she's a great actress and a gorgeous woman, she just doesn't suit being blonde to me (see pic above) and it just makes me think that it will detract away from the film.

Surely they could have tried to get someone who resembled the icon just a little bit? I mean, she hasn't even got the same body shape as Marilyn- who had a curvaceous size-16 frame, compared to Jolie's althletic build.

Just seems odd to me...

Sunday 15 August 2010


We're all so used to seeing Amy Winehouse's bra hanging out of a low-cut top that I was actually shocked when I saw these latest pics of La Winehouse...

Amy was snapped on a night out in London, (wait for it...) COVERED UP!

Yes, that's right, the 'Rehab' singer actually didn't have her new surgically-enchanced bazookers out on display for once in her life.

And doesn't she look better for it?!

SO much classier.

Keep it up Amy! (Literally)

Saturday 14 August 2010


There's been an uproar of outrage in the last few days as Fabio Capello announced live on TV that he no longer considers David Beckham as part of the England team.

Beckam and the England fans were disgusted at the way Capello didn't even think to tell Becks to his face that he was no longer part of the team- just leaving him to find out on national TV.

And, although I agree that the way Capello went about it was totally wrong- I do agree with his decision.

I mean, Becks is 35 now. I know that's not old generally, but for a footballer it's pretty ancient, considering players can join the Premier Leage at 16.

By the time the next world cup comes around- he will be 39, and quite franky will probably not be fit enough to be in a world championship.

Of course every England fan loves Becks. He's strong, charismatic and a good leader in the team, but it's time for new talent to shine through and have their day.

We need energy and excitement to breathe new life into the team- and young players will bring that. It will be their enthusiasm and hunger that will enable us to get over this world cup disappointment and start preparing for the next one.

Apparently, Becks has turned down Capello's offer of playing a 'farewell match' and has insisted that he will 'fight his way back into the team'.

If he was ten years younger, I'd say good on him. But, I don't think this is the right attitude to have when he must know he's nearing the end of his career.

Surely he wants to let new talent have their chance? Isn't that why he set up his Football Academy?

Even when he does eventually retire, it's not like he will be short of work. I mean, he's forever the face of a new advertising campaign, and could easily move into coaching with his leadership skills.

I do love you Becks, but maybe it's time to hang up your Goldenballs once and for all...

Thursday 12 August 2010


Beyonce usually makes me uber jealous everytime she does a photoshoot- I mean, the woman can usually do no wrong in my eyes...

But... her latest fashion shoot seems kind of, um... wrong.

Basically, to promote the line of her Dereon clothing, she's decided to do a short blonde wig (okay not too bad) and hundreds of stick-on tatts... (WHAT?!)

Yes the bootylicious beauty has decided to cover all her lovely curves with black tattoos of all sorts of things such as chains, spiders, wings and skulls.

One word- WHY?!

I mean, this is the hottest woman in the world we are talking about right here, the orignal diva. Why does she need to resort to such gimmicky and attention-seeking behaviour to promote her clothes?

Surely she must realise her fans like her the way she is- glamourous and fabulous- she doesn't have to prove that she's edgy to win fans.

I mean, I know artists like to keep with the times and adapt to what the fashion is, but Beyonce that unique type of artist who doesn't need to do that- her voice and personality do all the work for her- she doesn't have to act like Gaga to stay popular!

At the end of the day, I know it's only one shoot, but it just feels uncomfortable and like she's not being herself.

I mean, it certainly wasn't broke, so she shouldn't have fixed it.

Check out the rest of the pics below...

Tuesday 10 August 2010


Tenn 'wildchild' Taylor Momsen has claimed that she doesn't know who Justin Bieber is.

The deluded blonde said:

"I listen to Led Zeppelin and The Beatles, so I have no idea who he is. That's not a diss, I just don't know [who he is]."

Yeh whatever!

Of course she knows who he is- everyone pretty much knows who he is! I mean, you must have been living in a bubble to not know about Bieber- he's been in the news like everyday since he arrived on the scene!

And you'd definitely have to be blind to not notice him when your in the music industry yourself like Momsen is.

It's just another example of her trying to be edgy and cool and it's sooo pathetic! I mean, she's claimed that she takes knives on planes and that she's slept with a priest- whatever next??

I guess its just her showing her age- I mean she's only 17 and it definitely shows. Her actions are just so attention-seeking and riduculous that it's actually hard to watch.

Surely her parents or someone close to her should tell her that she's being an immature little brat?

I mean, what normal 17-year-old goes around wearing stripper heels and stockings everyday??

That girl needs to sort her issues out and actually do something worthwhile to get the attention she craves, rather than just acting like a little hussy.