Thursday 1 April 2010


News comes today that Kylie Minogue has been voted 'most powerful UK celebrity' in a poll conducted by Millward Brown.

The quizzed 2,000 consumers about 100 different celebs to find out who was most liked and talked about, and the pint-sized popstar came out on top.

Now, Kylie's nice and all and she's definitely been through a lot, but most powerful UK celeb?

To start off with, she's not even British! She's from Australia! And secondly, Kylie isn't exactly in the media spotlight much these days- so how can she be powerful to our nation?

Cheryl Cole came second, which is a little more understandable- considering she is in every magazine/newspaper daily about her struggles, and she is probably the biggest style icon or young girls right now, but I just don't get Kylie being first?

Coming third was David Beckham, which was a little silly considering he doesn't even live in the UK anymore.

Other far more appropriate celebs to feature were Joanna Lumley, who has done some fantastic campaigning for the Gurkas, and Jamie Oliver who has tirelessly campaigned to get healthier schooldinners.

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