Wednesday 2 June 2010


Not being funny right, but when did our world get so cringey?
I mean seriously, it's kind of a massive joke.

Where are the days when we kept our emotions to ourselves and snorted at anyone who made big declarations or got too publicly emotional. I miss them days...

Okay, I am taking the piss a little bit, but I do honestly feel like the world is literally full of 'sugar and spice and all things nice' right now.

I mean, you can't go five minutes without seeing/hearing an 'I love you', or 'you're amazing' or even 'hey baby boy/girl'. It rather makes me want to vom.

I'm not saying that I don't care for anyone or have never been in love. Of course I have, I just don't feel the need to declare it to the world every second of my actual life.

Maybe it's just be being a scroodge or whatever, but I kinda think it devalues things, I mean, if you tell someone EVERYDAY, it like takes away the specialness (even a word?) of the meaning, I personally think.

Like, people who are that close to you should know how much you care for them. They should know it from the way you treat them and the things you do for them, not in the simple words that are regularly thrown around rather carelessly these days.

I mean sure they can talk the talk, but can they walk the walk? You only have to look at 'The Apprentice' to see that people just chat shit most of the time.

And right, it really bugs me when people act and lovey dovey to you on Facebook, but then you go to chat to them in REAL LIFE (shock horror) and they act like you're from outter-space or something- very annoying!

And then we have TV... my idea of TV heaven is something like 'Friends' where they constantly rip the piss outta each other, but deep down you know they all care about each other. That's what I like- subtle love...

But NOW we have stuff like 'Glee', which is so cliche it actually hurts a little. I mean, why go around declaring what a great person you are (blah blah) how you love each other (more blah), just GET ON WITH IT. Sue Sylvester is the only thing that saves that show, I tell thee.

Then we have got BGT, I mean, I'm not denying it's damn funny at times, but it's sooooo self-indulgent when it gets to the finals. Everyone's so emotional 'coz I've wanted it my whole life' and they cry so much and everyone pats each other on the back because they're all so great. I mean come on, whatever happened to fair competition and honesty? I mean, a bunch of dancers isn't gonna change the world really is it?

You probably think I'm a moody cow, and you're probably right. But I really don't care. The way I see it, if I tell someone that I love them and care about them a lot, at least they know that I'm being truthul and that I care an awful lot about them to say that, instead of them being 'one of many'.

So next time you go to write/say 'love you babe' or 'you're the most amazing person ever', just take a second to think about whether you ACTUALLY mean it.

That is all I ask :D

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