Saturday 30 July 2011

Nicole's Bordering On Desperate With New Single 'Wet'

Oh Nicole, such a pretty girl but you really are being desperate aren't you.

After the release of saucy single 'Right There', Miss Scherzinger is back with yet another beautifully-entitled single... 'Wet'.

Yes, the ex-Pussycat Doll has seemingly decided to go down the route of 'sex sells' with her solo career- spouting a loud of sexual inuendo's that would may your granny blush as she 'shakes her thang' in her latest skimpy outfit.

For a thirty-year-old woman I really don't know how she takes herself seriously. I mean, imagine standing in a press conference in front of a bunch of respectable journalists in hotpants going 'Oh yeah so my next single is gonna be called Wet'. I think I would rather die.

The fact is, she's beautiful and has a good voice- so why not use it properly and get someone to write her a good tune, or better still, write one herself that actually means something, instead of spewing out this generic rubbish and getting it out for the lads.

It's like how they say men who are really good loking aren't good in bed as they've never had to try.

She and her management need to realise that all she's doing is alienating her female fan-base and making herself look like a bit of a desperate prat as she churns out crap songs while being half-naked.

Why not take a leaf out of Adele's book- a woman who writes and sings music from the heart whilst still being fully-clothed.

That's why her album's been at the top of the chart for 18 weeks and Nicole's single will probably be in the basement bin in one.

[If you want to torture yourself with Nicole's latest offering, it's below...]

Aaron Shows His Immaturity At Trying To Be Mature

Now I'm all for letting people make their own decisions, and of course you can't help who you fall in love with, but Aaron Johnson and Sam Taylor-Wood's relationship just baffles me.

Being the same age as Aaron, 21, I can't understand why you would want to settle down and have children with someone who is double your age.

Fair enough I may not be at the time in my life where I want kids so may be biased, but I can't really see how anyone who is 21 is seriously ready to have children.

Aaron may think he's old and wise enough to bear that responsibility, but that fact that he does think that, shows his immaturity right there and how much growing up he still has to do.

The fact that he probably thinks of himself as a 'thespian' may have something to do with it- yes he's read lots of books, so he knows all about life right? Wrong.

You can read all the books you like, but you never know how to really deal with life until you go out there and live it.

The fact is, I've had a lot of experiences in my life already at my young age (trust me), but I find myself being suprised and still learning stuff about myself and the world around me every single day.

The thing is, I know that there's never usually a perfect time to have kids- hell some forty year-old men aren't mature enough to have them, but the fact that he's bringing children into his life when he is barely out of puberty is a bit worrying.

What is it turns out that he wakes up one morning and decides this isn't the life he wants? Where will that leave his kids.

I mean, people my age (myself including) change our minds like the wind- one minute you are TOTALLY sure of what you want, and then you find yourself doing the complete opposite.

When you bring kids into that equation- there is NO going back.

The fact that he is marrying a 44-year-old woman is something to be considered too. Obviously right now she is still an attractive woman, but in around 10 years she will be going in to the menopause and when he's 31, he may find himself with a wife that he no longer finds attractive.

Now, fair enough, that may be a little 'what if' for ten years time, I mean they might have split up by then, but I'm the sort of person who wants to marry for life, not just for ten years- especially when there's kids involved.

All in all, I may be totally wrong, he may just be the type of guy who's just totally a family man and he may still fancy his wife in ten years when she's starting to go grey and wrinkly. I mean I do hope I am.

But I also hope he's taken all the above into serious consideration because this is real life we're talking about. I just hope he's ready for that.