Sunday 8 May 2011


Now, I am not one to judge people, but to me Zayn Malik and Rebecca Ferguson just look plain wrong.

It's not because of age- there is only six years difference, which is nothing really. It's just the fact that Zayn still looks like a little boy, where is Rebecca is a full-grown woman with her own children.

I mean, it is all good for the women of the world to swoon over the Biebs, but you wouldn't want to actually date him right?!!

I just think it might be a tad confusing for her children to see her smooching someone that looks like he could be their brother.

Maybe Rebecca needs to start realising that she's a woman and not a little girl anymore.

Monday 2 May 2011


So it's been two years since Susan Boyle a.k.a. SuBo hit our screens with her THOSE eyebrows and THAT mustard dress...

And until now, she has remained fairly un-transformed (apart from a very necessary eyebrow pluck and a new dress).

But it seems the 50-year-old (yes fifty) has decided to take a leaf out of her mentor Simon Cowell's books and is getting her teeth whitened.

Apparently the ecentric Scottish singer thinks the 'Subo sparkle treatment' will take years off her, and overhaul her image.

Insiders said she had even considered veneers but doesn't want to look 'weird'.

But is it a good thing that Subo is beautifying herself? Does she need the makeover or is she just going too Hollywood on us and loosing her original charm?

Let me know your thoughts...