Saturday 6 November 2010


Now, I am the first person to admit just how gorgeous Katherine Heigl's adopted daughter Naleigh is- in fact I wrote a blogpost last week saying just that...

However, my initial reaction wasn't of joy when I saw this photoshoot that Miss Heigl did for 'W Magazine'.

Other sites have called in 'cute' and 'one for the photoalbum', but couldn't she have just had some pictures taken in private for her personal photoalbum? It seems a bit silly to have pictures in there that the whole nation can get their hands on too...

I'm sure Katherine loves her daughter very much and is a very good Mum, but I have to admit, it seems like the baby is a bit of an accessory in this shoot.

Maybe she should of let Naleigh make her own mind whether or not she wanted to be thrusted into the celebrity spotlight when she was old enough to make the decision herself.

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