Thursday 21 October 2010


Okay, so a film about Facebook didn't seem the most riveting of ideas to me when I first heard about it- I mean, how much can you say about some guys creating a website??

But... once I saw the trailer for 'Social Network' I started to change my mind. First of all it starred Jesse Eisenberg in the lead role- and I just LOVED him in 'Adventureland', then I started to realise that I really was interested in the back-story of what is the most-used social networking site in the world.

I mean, we always seem to just accept things that are there and never really question how they came about. We don't realise that the simple things we use everyday, without taking a blind bit of notice, is the basis of someone elses life and that they've worked tirelessly to create it.

So basically, I just did a massive U-turn and thought it'd be good.

And was it??

Yes, it was. On the whole...

It was interesting and clever- a lot different from most films these days. I mean, it was just refreshing to watch a film where it's not just boy meets girl, they don't like each other, then they get married.

The plot, which sees Harvard University loser Mark Zuckerberg creating a website because he gets ditched by his girlfriend is good because it's relevent.

I mean, there is nothing more people think about more these days than what they're going to have as there Facebook status- so it seems sensible to educate the masses on how their social-life service came about.

Eisenberg is also brilliant in the lead role- playing the part of straight-talking Mark to perfection with his witty one-liners and brilliant, dead-pan comebacks.

Justin Timberlake also plays a good part as 'baddie' Sean Parker- however I really don't know why he's reverted back to his N-Sync poodle hair-do.

The only thing that annoyed me- and it really did annoy me- is the way women are portrayed in the film.

Don't get me wrong, I really am no feminist, but by watching the film, you'd just think every American girl is a jealous, slutty coke-head. The only glimmer of light is Zuckerber's original girlfriend Erica Albright who tells it to Mark straight at the start of the film saying:

"You're gonna go through life thinking girls don't like you becuase you're a nerd. Well you're wrong... it's because you're an arsehole."

Good words. But she's literally only in it for like a second. I know it's not a MAJOR thing, and obviously it isn't essential to the film, but I can't help but feel the director, David Fincher, is just saying that most girls 'go along for the ride' instead of actually creating their success themselves.

Anyway, is only a little qualm- apart from that, this film is deffo a winner, and I'm sure you'll be 'liking' it on Facebook the minute you get home!


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