Saturday 29 May 2010


News comes that Heidi Montag has FINALLY split with Spencer Pratt...

Thank God for that!

I mean, why has it taken her this long to see what a weirdo he truely is?! Ever since she hooked up with him back in 2007, he life has just spiralled out of control.

First, she fell out with her amazing bff Lauren Conrad, which was a HUGE mistake. She stupidly decided to pick rat spencer of her loving and loyal pal and in turn lost the rest of her mates too, which left her miserable and lacking in a social life.

Then, she ruined her chances of promotion in her job because Spencer came over a messed up a meeting with her boss in Vegas.

She then went on to get masses of surgery, no doubt encouraged by Spencer, which left her looking like a warped Barbie doll and caused her to fall out with her mum Darlene when she told her (quite rightly) that she looked better before the surgery.

She went on to take a restraining order out on her.

I mean, how harsh do you have to be to take a restraining order out on your own mum who has done nothing more than give you her honest and caring opinion?!

It seems as if Heidi has finally seen that Spencer is the one who started and encouraged this erratic behaviour and realised she needs him out of her life.

I'm glad she's finally seen this, however I feel that it may be too late for the blonde to get her life back. I mean, her betrayal of Lauren over the years has become to strong for the ever to be a chance of a proper reconcilliation, and her realtionship with her mum will never be the same after how's she's treated her in the last few weeks.

She's also ruined her looks with way too much surgery, and the minute she realsies that, I think she's going to totally break down.

She said she wants to become a proper actress, but how can she with so much surgery? Surely you can't convey deep emotions with that much plastic in your face? The only parts she'll be getting are joke cameos.

I'm not trying to have a go at her, I think it's really sad what happened to her. She was bright bubbly and beautiful when we first met her on our screens, and now she's a shaddow of her former sense, and it's all down to Spencer.

He should feel ashamed of himself for the negative effective he's had on his wife. He made her feel so insecure about herself that she lost all her friends and social life and mutilated her face and body so that she looked like a completely different person.

I hope he never gets the chance to do it to so poor other girl again in his lifetime.


Heidi with best pal Lauren Conrad pre-surgery

Showing off her enhanced look on the red carpet

Thursday 20 May 2010


Cheryl Cole has reportedly denied that her relationship with BEP star Will.I.Am has become romantic, however, seeing this picture of them above, it's plain to see that the two share a special bond at least...

I mean, just look at the smiles on their faces- it actually looks like they're going to burst with happiness!

Even if it's not romantic, I think it's good for the gorgeous starlet that she's got another man to take her mind off that idiot Ashley!

I means he's only 26, she's got her whole life ahead of her!

The picture was taken at the Cannes Festival, where the starlet got paid a reported £250,000 for a one-night performance! Not bad work if you can get it huh Chezza!

Cheryl awarded Will with a cheeky dance and kiss after her flew straight from the World Music Awards in Monacco to play a DJ set for her.

Ahh what a sweetie- just don't become a 'Heartbreaker' will you!