Thursday, 28 April 2011


So, everyone is hyped for the big day tomorrow...

What will Kate wear? Will Harry be pissed? Will Andrew say something embarassing...

But we all know the BIGGEST thing about the Royal Wedding is the massive party that us 'commonfolk' are going to have!

So I thought I'd bring you the best royal merchandise around so you can celebrate the nuptials in good old British style and make your party a right royal affair.

Check them out and get down the shops before they go!

Why not get the party
started with some truely
regal tunes?
£4.99 HMV

How about getting some
facepaints so all your
guests can look as sexy
as this guy?
£4.99 Asda

Getting bored of the actual
service? Well stick this
on for a laugh
£10.93 Asda

There's no better way to
celebrate the royal wedding
than to drink out of Wills and Kates
faces... and then chuck them
in the bin.
£1 Aldi

Why not make some British-based
cupcakes because otherwise
people might not guess
there is a wedding
£9 John Lewis


  1. that movie aired on TV the other night (in Canada) and i thought it to be the most poorly acted thing ever made. i find the story of will & kate to be so amazing (she being a "commoner"), and everyone over here i think feels the same. i can't imagine what the excitement is like over there!? x

  2. It's pretty crazy- it's all people are really talking about at the moment and everyone's getting ready with street parties etc.! And yes that film is really quite terrible! Haha, Thanks for the comment :) x
