After the release of saucy single 'Right There', Miss Scherzinger is back with yet another beautifully-entitled single... 'Wet'.
Yes, the ex-Pussycat Doll has seemingly decided to go down the route of 'sex sells' with her solo career- spouting a loud of sexual inuendo's that would may your granny blush as she 'shakes her thang' in her latest skimpy outfit.
For a thirty-year-old woman I really don't know how she takes herself seriously. I mean, imagine standing in a press conference in front of a bunch of respectable journalists in hotpants going 'Oh yeah so my next single is gonna be called Wet'. I think I would rather die.
The fact is, she's beautiful and has a good voice- so why not use it properly and get someone to write her a good tune, or better still, write one herself that actually means something, instead of spewing out this generic rubbish and getting it out for the lads.
It's like how they say men who are really good loking aren't good in bed as they've never had to try.
She and her management need to realise that all she's doing is alienating her female fan-base and making herself look like a bit of a desperate prat as she churns out crap songs while being half-naked.
Why not take a leaf out of Adele's book- a woman who writes and sings music from the heart whilst still being fully-clothed.
That's why her album's been at the top of the chart for 18 weeks and Nicole's single will probably be in the basement bin in one.
[If you want to torture yourself with Nicole's latest offering, it's below...]