After good role models like Scarlett Johansson set a good example and show young girls that's it's good to be womanly and have curves in advertisements such as the new D&G ad, along comes Kate Moss and ruins it all by making a stupid and damaging comment.
Yes the London twit has gone and mouthed off again...
When asked what her favourite quote was by beauty website WWD, she replied: "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels, that's one of them."
What an idiot! Does she really think that's the right message to send out to young girls?
What with the drugs scandals, the wild partying and now this, I think Kate Moss needs to look at herself and realise just what kind of role model is she setting for young fans and even her own daughter.
She represents everything wrong with the fashion industry that we are trying to move away from.
Maybe it's time Miss Moss (cat)walked off once and for all.
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