Tuesday 1 February 2011


Looking at this picture, you would find it hard to tell who is the older sister...

But in fact, it is 48-year-old mother Demi Moore sitting next to her SIXTEEN-year-old daughter Tallula!

I know, WTF!

The fact is, Tallula is dressed far more appropriately for a sit-down event in her high-necked blouse and long skirt, whereas Mum Demi is sat there in a reveal-all body-con dress that you're more likely to see on 18-year-olds just about to go out clubbing on a Friday night.

It just seems silly that Demi doesn't want to grow up. I mean, fair enough she's had £220,000 to keep her face looking young, and I'm not saying that's good, but a lot of celebrities do obviously because they don't want wrinkles, but what's all this dressing like a teen with the hair and clothes.

If I was her daughter, I would feel like it was always a competition to see who could look the best, and it would be so much pressure.

The fact is, Mums are supposed to grow up and focus on their children a bit more, but it seems like Demi is just a bit self-obsessed.

I mean, imagine if you saw a 50-year-old man dressed like a teen boy- people would think it's weird right?

Obviously she's got a hot young boyf in Ashton Kutcher, and she wants to look good for him, but there is a line... and I think she's not far from crossing it.