Saturday 31 October 2009


When she first started out in the X-factor competition, Rachel had her own, edgy style being compared to the likes of the edgy starlet Rihanna.

However, after two weeks of ending up in the bottom two, Rachael and her mentor Danni Mingoue decided to embark on a tranformation to 'soften' the singer up. This meant ditching her dramatic dress sense and converting to the safe bob seen all over the highstreet in week 3, and sure enough, their plan seemed to work as people raved about her makeover and voted her back in.

But just now, we have seen Rachael perform in week 4 with yet ANOTHER makeover- this time emulating her mentor Danni by going for a choppy fringe- looking like a completely different girl to the one we saw when the show started.
Now, I'm all for a bit of a makeover, but completely overhauling yourself so that you are not regnisable as the same person is a bit dramatic don't you think?

In my opinion, Rachel looked lovely just the way she was a few weeks ago when she had her own recognisable style instead of looking like a cardboard cut-out of every other female.
With role models such as Rihanna herself and Lady Gaga pushing the boundaries for the style and hairstyles, surely Rachel should have embaraced her own personal style instead of giving in to the norm image Mr Cowell demanded of her.

Anyway, I thought that the X-factor was meant to be a SINGING contest (bar Jedward of course), not a style contest, so why has Rachel felt the need to change so much and will this latest makeover alienate her fans who loved the orignal Rachel?
Only the voting results can tell us...