Miss Charlotte Church has suddenly decided to lay off the choccies and slim down and that's great!
She looks fantastic and is glowing in her latest photoshoot; dressed in a LBD and wearing daring purple lipstick.
However, what troubles me was what came OUT of her mouth- not what's gone in it.
Yes, the 24-year-old songstress claimed in 'Closer' magazine' this week that she 'would be just as happy if she was a size 20'.
If you would be so happy in a size 20, then why did you go to all the bother of losing weight?
I mean, it's just plain stupid.
And right, it really annoys me that people can harp on about 'how they love their curves' and stuff if they are overweight, but if anyone dares mention that they love being skinny, then they are made to feel like a criminal.
I mean, if Charlotte has said, 'I'd love to be a size 0', she would have been hung out to dry by the media, but because she said she wouldn't mind be a size 20 (which is essentially obese), she has been hailed a hero.
It's ridiculous and downright wrong. Being overweight is just a serious threat than being underweight- there are numerous health issues such as diabetes, heart problems, cholesterol etc. etc. that cause the health service millions of pounds that could be used on helping seriously ill people.
I mean, I'm not putting everyone that size into the same box, because obviously some people are overweight due to medical reasons. But the people that eat their way into that weight are just being plain lazy and selfish, or they need to seek help for their emotional instability as they are obviously replacing food for the love that they crave.
So when a celebrity comes along and celebrates it, it just annoys me.
Next time, think before you speak Miss Church, because we all know you love yourself just a little bit more you fit into that size 8.